
Status: completed

This program allowed for the recomposition of commercial activities in general, with emphasis on the extraction of sand, pebble and clay and on industrial activities for the production of ceramics, especially tiles and bricks. For this reason, Investco designated resources for evaluation of the existent deposits and for research on deposits outside the reservoir area and also on deposits underwater.

The urban and rural establishments of the areas directly and indirectly affected by the enterprise were registered and the treatments to be implemented were defined. A survey was also realized with the National Department of Mineral Production (abbreviated in Portuguese as DNPM) and municipalities on the rights of producers in the areas directly affected. For this reason, the evaluation of the affected assets was executed and an agreement in compliance with the choice of each interested party was offered.

Most of the negotiated agreements were for compensation for the flooded deposits. In the Palmas Region, an area was made available, and a channel was installed in the lake to serve as a sand port for eight dredgers to explore deposits underwater, from which the mineral is withdrawn and traded for use in construction.