The Luis Eduardo Magalhães Hydroelectric Plant - UHE Lajeado has five generating units of 180.5 MW each, totaling a power of 902.5 MW.
The project, built on the Tocantins River, in the State of Tocantins, operates with run-of-river, a configuration that does not allow water to accumulate in the reservoir, operating according to the flow of the river. It was elected, by the National Electric Energy Agency, as the Best Power Plant in Brazil in 2019, reaching the second position in the ranking in 2020.
The Plant is a benchmark in safety and sustainability, being certified under ISO 55001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, which attest to its excellence in asset management; the quality of the services provided; in environmental management and in the management of health and safety at work. The plant is managed by Investco, a company formed by the shareholders EDP (73%), CEB (20%) and CPFL (7%).